About Us

Short story about myself

  • Shri.Vivek Karata is an example of a truly dynamic and energetic contribution towards rural development and empowerment of downtrodden sections of the society.With his immense contribution towards the welfare of the society, many members of the society are capable generating income for their family. Not only had this Shri.Vivek Karata JI contributed to the development in rural areas which are as follows :
  • Construction of buildings, laboratories, toilets and compound walls/fencing to Government, Tribal, Panchayat Union and Reclamation schools, Government Colleges and Government Hostels.
  • Construction of hospital buildings, compound walls and fencing to Government Hospitals, Primary Health Centres, Sub-centres, Veterinary Dispensaries, Livestock Centres and Libraries.
  • Construction of Libraries in rural and urban areas, Noon Meal Centres, Anganwadis, School Kitchen Sheds and Public Distribution System Shops in rural and urban areas. Wherever construction of libraries are undertaken, care should be taken that adequate contribution has been made for the procurement of books.
  • Creating community assets like drinking water sources, cement concrete roads and threshing floors in rural and urban areas.
  • Maintenance of all community assets. Priority shall be given for the maintenance of Integrated Sanitary Complex for women and men.
  • Construction of Integrated Sanitary Complex for women and men.
  • Construction of bridges, culverts, upgradation of gravel/WBM roads to BT standard, renewal of worn out BT roads, improvement of streets and lanes with brick or metal stones or cement slabs or cement concrete.
  • Formation, improvement, and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, traffic islands, fountains, street lights (including solar lights).
  • Purchase of furniture, computers, and accessories for Government and Panchayat Union schools, libraries and buildings for the use of the public.  Old computers and accessories should not be purchased.
  • All types of works related to Solid Waste Management, and works related to improving the sanitation conditions of the environment.
  • Provision for Solar lights in Anganwadis and other Public buildings owned by Government and Rural and Urban Local Bodies.